23. Dec 2022
Photo: Pixabay

The real estate market remained immune not only to the corona virus but also to the economic and energy crisis, the interest in buying did not decline, so the prices of square meters in Serbia in most cities and municipalities increased by an average of 10 to 15 percent. This fact also benefits many local governments because they will increase the property tax in 2023 and thus pour more money into their budgets.

However, there are also those areas, such as Novi Sad, where the taxes will remain at the same level as in 2022. There are few such exceptions, so it is almost certain that in the majority of local self-governments these obligations will be higher under the new solutions. The degree of that increase will depend on the type of real estate, but also on the zone in which they are located, because this year, as well as in previous years, it was recorded that the value of apartments, houses or garages did not increase in some, while in others the jump was significant.

The situation is similar with commercial space and land, where the price per square meter has increased by more than 100 percent. Such is the case in Majdanpek, where the price of forest land has increased by as much as 135 percent compared to last year. In that municipality, a 50 percent increase in apartment prices was recorded in the first zone and the city area, where the highest turnover of real estate was recorded.

However, such a drastic increase was recorded only for these properties, while for the others it was significantly more moderate, so the cumulative increase in property taxes in this municipality will be increased by 11.3 percent.

In the neighboring Bor, on the other hand, this tax is significantly lower, even though the price of real estate is rising there as well. Thus, in 2023, the residents of this mining town will pay three to four percent more property tax than this year, depending on the property and zone, which will not be a significant expense for the owners.


The situation in Kragujevac is also varied, so apartment owners, as well as house owners on the outskirts of this city, will have a higher property tax, while the tax on houses in the extra and first zones will be lower. For example, for the tax on a house of 100 square meters located in the extra zone this year it was necessary to set aside 7,509 dinars, while in 2023 it will be 2,395 dinars less for the same property, that is, it will amount to 5,114 dinars.

The amount of tax for houses in the first zone with the same characteristics built in 1971 will be the same, that is, a reduction of 799 dinars will apply.

At the same time, house owners on the outskirts will receive a higher bill, from 178 to 333 dinars. The levy will be higher for an apartment of 55 square meters in the extra zone for 661 dinars, while for the same property in the first increase it will be 600 dinars and in the second 476 dinars.

In some of the five existing zones, the residents of Pirot will have to allocate more money because the square has been enlarged. The biggest jump was recorded for apartments in the first zone, where the square meter jumped from last year's average of 68,000 dinars to 73,696 dinars. The situation is similar with business premises, which in the first zone recorded a jump of almost 8,000 dinars, amounting to 99,667 dinars.


In contrast to them, the situation in Čačak is reversed because the prices of square meters have risen the least in the first zone, and significantly more in those on the periphery, that is, the fourth and fifth zones. Therefore, the tax will be increased by one for the owners of apartments in the first zone, and by 11 percent for those in the third and fourth zones, while the tax will be increased by 9 percent for the owners of these properties in the fifth zone.

The situation is similar in this city and with residential houses, whose price per square meter in the first zone has not been corrected, which means that the owners will receive the same solution as this year, while those who have them in the third will pay 20 percent more than this year. Owners of these properties in the fourth and fifth zones will fare somewhat better, where the increase will be 11 and nine percent, respectively.

As for citizens of Niš, the city government decided to increase the property tax by about 15 percent from January, but also to merge the first and second zones into one. Thus, after such a decision, for a 20-year-old apartment on Nemanjića Boulevard, for 60 square meters, on which he paid about 7,200 sales tax, he will now have to allocate about 9,000 dinars.

As for Belgrade, property owners will receive tax bills increased by up to 5 percent from next year, even though real estate prices have risen significantly in almost all 14 zones in the last 12 months.

Namely, according to the data of the Republic Geodetic Institute, the prices of apartments and houses in Belgrade in old buildings increased by about 17 percent, and in new buildings by about 13 percent. For example, the current average price per square meter of real estate for determining the property tax for 2022 in the first extra housing zone for an apartment is 247,720 dinars, while for a house the amount is slightly lower - 232,110 dinars, and for garages and auxiliary buildings 104,560 dinars. The prices are the lowest in the so-called eighth zone, where the average price per square meter of an apartment is 43,428 dinars, of a house 35,201 dinars, and of garages and auxiliary buildings 17,902 dinars.

Tax advisor Đerđ Pap explains that the property tax is determined based on the market value of the real estate in the given or previous year, while the decision on zones is prescribed by the local self-government and it must be made by November 30 for the following year.

"The market value is multiplied by the number of square meters of the property and the tax is calculated on that." A five percent increase in value is certainly not a realistic reflection of real market values of real estate this year in Belgrade, because we all know how much prices have grown," explains Pap.


Otherwise, the deadlines for paying taxes on citizens' property remain the same as in the previous period. The tax is paid in four parts, the first by mid-February, the second by mid-May, the third by mid-August and the last by mid-November. Until the tax decision is received, citizens pay the same amount as for the last quarter of 2022, and the difference should be paid by April at the latest, when tax decisions for the current year usually arrive, writes blic.rs.


Source: blic.rs

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